The Holy Spirit is known as the third member of the Trinity. Many Christians know very little about Him, but every person who has ever accepted Christ as their personal Savior has the Holy Spirit in them. In the measure of salvation, the Holy Spirit takes up residence in us as the quickening or life-giving agency to make us new creatures in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit recreates our human spirit and makes us a child of God. It is the work of the Holy Spirit that makes Jesus Christ real in our lives.
Before the world (physical and spiritual) were made, the Holy Spirit existed as a member of the Trinity with God the Father and God the Son. He ministered in and through the people of God according to the divine will (Genesis 41:39 Numbers. 27:18 Psalm. 139:7). He is just as much a member of the Godhead as God the Father, or as Christ the Son. The perfect deity of the Holy Spirit is revealed in that He is called God (Acts 5:3-4) He has the attributes of God (Genesis 1:2 Heb. 9:14 I Corinthians 2:9-11) and He performs the works that only God can do (Job 33:4 Ps. 104:30 Matt. 12:28). A most beautiful picture of the entire Trinity is observed in the baptism of Christ, where the Father spoke from Heaven, the Spirit descended in the form of a dove, and the Son was baptized (Matt. 3:16-17).
The ministry of the Spirit of God to the age in which we live is exceedingly important. He is God's plan for success in the Christian life. It is impossible for a believer today to live a life which is pleasing to God without the Spirit, just as it is impossible for an unbeliever to be saved without Christ.
CONSIDER: Have you heard the story of the three men who all claimed the same house? The first man was the builder of the house. He planned the whole thing and then put the house up for sale. The second man was the buyer who paid the price to buy the house. He owned the house, but there is a third man who now lives in the house. So it is with us, God the Father made us God the Son redeemed us with His precious blood at Calvary and God the Holy Spirit has come to live within us. "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" (I Corinthians 3:16). In Christ we are indwelt by the Godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Colossians 2:10).
The day of Pentecost, which was fifty days following the death of Christ, was chosen by God for the coming of the Holy Spirit. He took up residence in the hearts of the believers: He baptized or united all believers into one body with Christ as head.
The Holy Spirit also energized all believers by His filling in order that they should witness to the multitude (Acts 2:1-47). From the Day of Pentecost until this present day, the Holy Spirit effectively ministers both to the world and to the believers. First, to the world, He convicts (John 16:7-11), and restrains (II Thessalonians. 2:6-8).
To the believer who is new, He regenerates or causes him to be born again into the family of God (John 3:3-8) He indwells the temple of the believer's heart (I Corinthians 12:16) and He seals him for protection--He (the Holy Spirit) Himself, being the seal.
The seventh and last great ministry of the Spirit is that He fills the believer. This is an enduement for service. While the other ministries to the believer occur only once and instantly on conversion, the filling of the Holy Spirit may occur as many times there is need and willingness on the part of the believer (Ephesians. 5:18-20).